Selected Natural History And Science Articles
Rusty Blackbirds are Rising from Obscurity but Falling in Numbers. Living Bird
Bird Irruptions: A Sudden Surge of Birds. Birds and Blooms
A Coastal Ecology is Melting Away – Resurgence & Ecologist, Web Exclusive
What Rural Alaska Can Teach the World About Renewable Energy – Ensia, (Republished in Scientific American, Arctic Deeply, and The Anchorage Daily News)
Too Many to Count: Shorebird Migration at the Copper River Delta, Alaska – Birdwatcher’s Digest
Feeling the Heat: Arctic communities deal with a warmer climate – Alaska Magazine
Flying In, Flying Away – UnDark Magazine
Worth Defending: Western Sandpiper – Defenders Magazine
Birds vs. The Weather- Birds and Blooms
Community and Conservation in Bolivia’s Yacuma Pampas – The Ecologist
Tropical Birds – Birds and Blooms
Protecting Our Birds – Birds and Blooms
Birding Alaska’s Arctic – Birdwatching
Birding in the Night Light – Birdwatcher’s Digest
Photography Articles
Articles and images on the art of photography have appeared in:
Professional Photographer
Amateur Photographer
Photo Technique
The Naturalist Podcast Episode #17: Interviewed about arctic ecology and conservation in Alaska and beyond.
Audubon Magazine, Interviewed for an article about Dave’s participation in an expedition to find Gray-headed Chickadees in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Bokeh Magazine, March 2015. On photography, business, and conservation